Grußwort von Bürgermeister Stephan Paule125 years of the Alsfeld History and Museum Society e.V.

A “Proud Jubilee”, what term would be more appropriate for today?
Because pride is appropriate today in many respects:
An association with a 125-year history has every right to be proud: Because keeping a community alive over so many decades is an outstanding achievement. And especially when I look at the current board of directors around Chairman Jochen Weppler, who want to maintain this old and traditional association and lead it into the future, I have to express a special thanks!

We can all be proud to have such an association in our home country. We are proud of our culture, our roots and our traditions. The Geschichts- und Museumsverein e. V. is part of this.

The Alsfeld History and Museum Society is the cultural heart of our town. The Alsfeld town history and the town encyclopedia would not have been conceivable without you.

To collect and preserve the remaining antiquities in art and history from the 800-year-old and earlier past of our town and surroundings – that was the goal of the History and Museum Society at the founding event in 1897.
Now the association celebrated its 125th anniversary!

They all make a valuable contribution to the preservation of the collection, contribute to the cultural and social diversity as well as to the further development of the museum.

Days like today call that to mind again. For this, my thanks and appreciation. I congratulate the Alsfeld History and Museum Society on its anniversary and proud history. Let us help together so that this history continues!

The History and Museum Society has also had to undergo major changes over the course of time. The chronicle published for the 800th anniversary of the town of Alsfeld provides profound information about this.

However, the conviction of countless citizens that art and culture are of inestimable value for a humane society and for a living democracy is almost overwhelming.

On behalf of the city of Alsfeld, I would like to thank all those active in the Alsfeld Historical and Museum Society and in the work of the association for their great achievements!

Stephan Paule, Bürgermeister der Stadt Alsfeld

Yours Stephan Paule