Printing press of the Bücking tobacco factory, around 1830.
(Photo: Andreas Ruhl)
1833The first newspaper in Alsfeld
In 1832, the tobacco manufacturer Hermann Bücking, who owned a printing press in his factory on which the tobacco labels were printed, saw an opportunity for another source of income. Aware that he had free capacity and could print more, he negotiated with the district court assessor Schäfer and the district secretary Dr. Rautenbusch about the publication of an “advertising journal for Alsfeld and the surrounding area”, a printed newspaper like those that already existed in most of the other towns in the Grand Duchy.
After approval by the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior and Justice, the publication could take place under the supervision of the Alsfeld District Office and Alsfeld District Court for the district of Alsfeld. This decision was promulgated by the Grand Ducal District Council of the Alsfeld district, Neidhardt, on January 1, 1833. The gazette was published by the district administration as an organ of its official notices and decrees to the local authorities and inhabitants of the district and had the sole privilege of being a public gazette. Initially, the editors were the Grand Ducal District Court Assessor Schäfer and the Grand Ducal District Secretary Dr. Rautenbusch. Alsfeld’s first newspaper was printed on this press owned by tobacco manufacturer Hermann Bückling, which is pictured here. (MNic)